Embark on a transformative journey through the 5 Koshas with 5 private 60-minute online yoga sessions. This holistic practice extends beyond the physical realm, embracing the mental, energetic, and blissful aspects of existence.
Program Details
The Koshas, outlined in ancient yogic texts, are five fundamental layers of human existence. By exploring a Kosha each week, we dive into the intricacies that contribute to our holistic well-being and spiritual understanding. This program will also help you improve flexibility, balance, mobility, strength, and overall well-being. Moreover, it aims to foster a deeper connection with your spirituality, elevate self-awareness, and inspire positive transformations in your life.
Week 1: Anamaya Kosha - Physical Body
Theme: Explore body postures to connect with the physical layer of being.
Focus: Grounding and strengthening poses.
Week 2: Pranayama Kosha - Energy Body
Theme: Dive into breathwork, tapping into the life force energy.
Focus: Breath awareness and pranayama techniques.
Week 3: Manamaya Kosha - Mental Body
Theme: Observe and engage with your thoughts throughout the practice, bringing attention to the mind.
Focus: Meditation and mindful movement.
Week 4: Vijnanamaya Kosha - Wisdom Body
Theme: Cultivate intuition and inner wisdom.
Focus: Intuitive movements and deep self-inquiry.
Week 5: Anandamaya Kosha - Bliss Body
Theme: Discover the bliss body, integrating lessons from previous sessions.
Focus: Deep relaxation and blissful states.
Session Structure
Each session includes:
Warm-Up: Gentle stretches to prepare your body.
Themed Poses: Standing and balance postures such as Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle, Wide Leg Forward Fold, Tree, and more.
Cooling Down: Seated postures designed to lower the heart rate.
Relaxation: A soothing period of rest and integration.
Integration: Elements of breathwork, mudras, meditation and medicine songs to enhance your practice.
Do not miss the opportunity to embark on this transformational journey with me. Book now before inspiration leaves you.