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Hormone Yoga Therapy

Hormone Yoga Therapy

Regular price £80.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £80.00 GBP
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Are you noticing that your body and hormones are changing? 


Do you want to get back to a place of balance and joy? 


Mika is a certified Hormone Health Coach and Hormone Yoga Therapist. 

She is combining a holistic approach with traditional methods to bring you back to homeostasis. 


Living a cyclical lifestyle in combination with Hormone Yoga Therapy and lifestyle adjustments is the most natural and effective way to find the balance you are looking for.


The symptoms of imbalanced hormones can have bad effects on our self-esteem and bring anxiety & insecurity.


Symptoms like weight gain or loss, fatigue, emotional symptoms, hot flushes, insomnia, urogenital dryness, decreased libido, disturb the sex life and affect almost all areas of our life. 


Infertility, PMS, PCOS and irregular cycles can be caused by an imbalance of the overall hormonal level.


A 90-minute Hormone Yoga Therapy session, includes a dynamic set of Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques) and Meditation. 


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