Yoga Nida With Sound Sessions
Yoga Nida With Sound Sessions
Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation usually practised lying down. If you struggle to meditate in a general sense, Yoga Nidra is a great practice to try. It is accessible, straight forward and simple yet deeply powerful. There is no need to have any experience of meditation or yoga. Like a big hug for the nervous system Yoga Nidra is deeply nourishing and restorative.
In an increasingly over stimulated and exhausted population, Yoga Nidra is a simple and profound tool to re-connect with our true selves, with our natural cycles. Through deep rest we can regain clarity and perspective, tuning into the body’s intrinsic needs and nourishing them whilst in the deeper stages of consciousness.
Shown to have a profound impact on re-balancing the nervous system; enabling deep relaxation and rest, stress reduction, better sleep, pain relief, to boost creativity and to have substantial healing potential.
Explore powerful visualisations taking participants into the deeper brainwave states gently combined with the use of sound and poetry.