Feeding Your Demons® Shadow-Work Processes
Feeding Your Demons® Shadow-Work Processes
Four 40-minute online Feeding Your Demons® shadow-work processes
Feeding Your Demons® – ancient wisdom for resolving inner conflict Feeding Your Demons® is an accessible and effective approach for dealing with negative emotions, fears, illnesses, and self-defeating patterns. It combines Buddhist wisdom with approaches from Jungian and Gestalt psychology. Feeding Your Demons® has benefited thousands worldwide, with practitioners from every walk of life on five continents.
The work transcends spiritual constructs, serving as a meaningful tool for anybody, regardless of religious affiliation or personal philosophy. Using guided visualisation, we transform an emotion, illness or limiting self-belief into a being, and then we dialogue with it, asking it what it wants and needs. Then we imagine we feed the being a nectar that has the quality of how it will feel when it get what it needs.
Once the demon is fully satisfied, we then invite in an ally, which can help us in the face of this issue. When we fight our demons they grow stronger. If we feed and nurture them, however, we can free ourselves from the battle. Through the clearly articulated practice outlined in Feeding Your Demons®, we can learn to overcome any obstacle and achieve freedom and inner peace.